Saturday, November 13, 2010


Really, have you ever seen a cuter toddler?  I know I'm a bit partial.  He's at such a cute stage (when not throwing a tantrum) that we find ourselves really wishing we could freeze him at this age.  Here's a good example...yesterday I bought him some vitamins at the grocery store.  I was kind of worried he wasn't going to like them, so before I gave them to him I told him they were going to make him big and strong and make him run faster.  He willingly took the vitamin, chewed it up and said "it's yummy momma!"  I declared it a success at this point because he'd eaten it but had to laugh when the next thing he did was get up off the couch and run across the room!  Then he looked at me and said "SO FAST MOMMA!  Need more!"  This morning when he got up, he asked for another, since I'd told him he could only have one a day.  I gave it to him and he did the same thing - chewed it up then got up and ran across the room.  He's definitely testing me.  I imagine in a few days he'll decide they don't work and will stop eating them.

Last week we had a dead tree removed (sadly, a gorgeous old dogwood that I was very much in love with) and Jack was home that day and got to see it come down.  We talked a lot about the tree as it was coming down.  We talked about why one would ever cut a tree down, why trees are important, why we like them etc.  I taught him to yell TIMBER when each piece came down, which he thought was pretty fun.  So this morning, we were talking about the tree coming down again and I asked him what you yell when you cut a tree down.  He looked at me for a second and then yelled GREEN BIRDS!  Sounds a bit like TIMBER I guess! ;)!  (If that story makes no sense, you might need to know that at Jack's daycare, each age group is named after a birds, chickadees, orange birds, green birds, etc.  It's what's on his mind I guess!).

Toddlers can surely test your patience but really, there's nothing cuter!

(PS...yes that is Jack sitting in the Bumbo which is designed for infants...he clearly needs the vitamins, right?)

1 comment:

DianneSeaborn said...

Cuteness is right! I love this picture! And, Mary Alex sits in the Bumbo seat too. :)