Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2 month checkup

So we were a little late getting there, but last week Max had his 2 month checkup and got a great report!  

The stats:
Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz (in keeping with our doubled theme of 3/3 and 9/9) 90th percentile
Length: 23.25 inches 50th percentile
Head circumference: 16.75 inches 90th percentile

He's clearly growing very quickly and really seems to be taking it all in now.  He's very alert and unless tired or hungry, always pretty happy.  He's still getting up once a night for the most part, but eats and goes right back to sleep, so it's ok with me!  I am still dairy-free for the most part, though he seems to be able to tolerate a little butter and such from time to time.  It's not as hard as I thought and I'm really glad I stuck it out.  He has a little cradle cap still, and she recommended Head and Shoulders to get rid of that!  We got back at 4 months and we'll see how he's doing then!

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