Thursday, November 4, 2010

8 weeks and 8 hours

Max turns 8 weeks old today and to celebrate, he slept over 8 hours last night!  GO MAX!  Momma thanks you buddy!  I was up every few minutes after 4AM watching the monitor to make sure he was still alive, but that's ok, hopefully he'll do it again tonight and I'll sleep on through it.

Here's a little yawn for you all on this cool rainy day...
For the record, Jack didn't sleep this long until he was 4 months old, but this morning, he slept until 8:15 (he was up a few times in the night but only because he wanted Daddy snuggles)!


DianneSeaborn said...

Way to go Max! Keep up the good work!

Stephanie said...

That's wonderful! Hope he does it tonight since you will probably be up late, right? Go Hokies