Wednesday, May 21, 2008

HHI or bust!

Thanks to the most generous Weaver Family, we are off to the beach this afternoon! Kenny and I went last October, just 1 week before finding out what we were having and whether or not he or she would be ok. It was a very relaxing trip at a time when we really needed it! We can't wait to go back, this time with the little guy that was such a mystery last time. It will undoubtedly be a different trip but we are excited about our first family vacation! Wish us luck...that Jack won't sleep the entire 7 hours and then be up all night...that we remember to pack all we need for the little guy...that he will sleep in his pack and play...that Mommy won't cry every day about having to leave him at daycare next Wednesday...and that everyone has a great time! Here's a picture of Jack in his crab shirt that we got just for the occassion!

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