Monday, May 9, 2011

Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail

We sang a LOT of Peter Cottontail around here in the days before Easter.  I'd sing and Jack would hop all over the place! He'd ask me to sing it over and over and over.  I wished it had more words...

We had a great Easter!  Jack loved it this year, just as he has all the other holidays recently.  He was super excited to wake up and find that the Easter Bunny had hidden eggs all over the house for him to find. 

Max didn't care so much, but he smiled and seemed to enjoy his treats the bunny left him!

After finding all the treats at our house, we were off to Grams & Gramps' house to see if the bunny had left anything there.  Sure enough, he left more treats there! 

But before we could hunt the eggs, we needed to dye them!

Grams cooked up some eggs while the others dyed them...

And Max did what he does best...just smiled and looked extra cute!

THEN it was time for the egg hunt!

Max just took it all year he'll be ready for the hunt for sure. 

It was a wonderful day and the Easter Bunny sure was good to Jack and Max!  Hope he was just as good to you! 

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