Sunday, May 15, 2011

8 Months Old

Oh what a wonderful month this was! 
A lot fell into place this month and Max really grew by leaps and bounds. In looking back at the posts about Jack's 7th month, it seems it was the month where all things kind of came together for him too.  IF there's another lion cub, I'll try and be more patient and remember that it really just takes a good 6-7 months for our kids to find their groove.  Not that the first 6-7 aren't great, but they aren't very predictable, which is sometimes hard for me to accept.
Perhaps the greatest feat was learning to sleep all night!  This happened about halfway through the month and while it doesn't happen every night, it does happen most nights.  That led to a more structured nap and feeding schedule which means I know what to do when and as long as we do it when he's expecting it, all goes very smoothly with this smiley guy!  

He did have his first ear infection early in the month which wasn't fun for anyone, but we all lived through it of course.  He's also teething it seems, and one tiny corner popped through but then that was it.  We're still waiting...

But the lack of teeth don't seem to impact his eating!  He's still nursing.  A lot.  He generally eats 3 bottles a day (4-5 ounces in the morning, 7 each at 11 and 3) and then nurses once or twice each night.  He can at least give himself the bottle, so that's a big help!
He went from eating 2 meals a day to 3 and got really good at feeding himself cut up food.  His faves are black beans, mango, banana, blueberries, peaches, pears, and avocado. 

He's yet to meet a food he didn't like, though he's not a huge fan of pureed green vegetables.  We tried to give him a little formula at some point this month and it didn't go well.  He just threw the bottle at us.  We're getting close to the 1 year point where he'll switch to whole milk, or soy milk if he's still allergic, so we'll probably just keep plugging.  The Alimentum he has to have, due to the milk allergy, smells really bad.  I can't really blame him for not wanting to drink it.  I'm able to just pump twice a day, once at home and once at work, so that's a big help.  When he went to the doctor for his ear infection, he weighed 19.5 lbs.  Later in the month Kenny weighed him at home and he was 20.5 lbs!  He's happy and he's healthy so we'll keep doing what we're doing!  If he doesn't start moving soon though, he'll pass Jack in weight very soon.  He's only in the upper 20's himself!

And speaking of moving...he's not crawling but he's certainly not immobile anymore.  He rolls and scoots where ever he'd like to go.  He's very grabby and if he sees something he wants, he WILL find his way to it.  He also started to wave this month.  Granny was here for Mother's Day and she was waving at him when he waved back at her!

He and Jack continue to adore each other.  They started taking baths together and Jack gets so upset if Max goes down early or something and isn't there to play with him at bath time. 
This picture has nothing to do with Max but just makes me smile...I will never tire of Jack's funny expressions!
Just when we thought he couldn't get any sweeter, he did.  He's so laid back and happy.  His smiles light all of us up.  He's definitely getting big and isn't so much a tiny baby any more, but he's still snuggly when he wants to be.  Hopefully that part of him won't grow up too soon.

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