Sunday, March 13, 2011

THREE on 3/3

Three was a big deal in our house this week.  Jack turned THREE on the 3rd day of the 3rd month!

It was a school day, and his party wasn't for a few weeks, but he woke up with a smile on his face when he found Kenny and I dancing in his room to the birthday song There were a few presents set aside for him to open early that morning but the biggest excitement came from finding a bouquet of balloons on the doorstep from Eddie and Audrey!  And what a perfect bunch of balloons it was - a 3, a lion and a T-REX! 
Eventually it was time to go to school and share cupcakes with the other Orange Birds! Dinosaur cupcakes of course! 
I think he had a pretty good day at school being the birthday boy.  After school we all went to Galaxy Diner for dinner before coming home to open more presents.  French toast with powdered sugar on top for dinner - what more could a 3 year old ask for?
We gave him a bike and he was SO excited.  The next morning he asked if he could ride it to school!  He actually hasn't ridden it yet since the helmet we got to go with it was too small for his giant head.  The new one came this week so we're hoping to get outside today and test it out.
His party is next weekend and I'm sure he'll be just as excited all over again!  

Three so far has been pretty good.   Jack's such a curious child.  Always wanting to know when and where and why.  And a very sweet child (most of the time).  

He still needs hugs and snuggles and still gets so excited to see us at the end of the day. 

He loves his little brother like no other.  It's so wonderful to watch.  Though when asked if he wants another sibling, the answer is always "not yet" or "one at a time Momma!" Fair enough.  I'd agree with both of those statements.  

He still needs his blankie and his monkey and is still very much a little boy.  

He doesn't like to be woken up and likes to have a few minutes to wake up before he can talk to anyone.  

He's really into dinosaurs, of course, but also coloring and cutting and trains.  

He needs THREE (this changed when he turned 3) books with Daddy before bed each night and then some snuggles to fall asleep.  

He hates taking a bath, until he's in the bath and then he never wants to get out.  

He learned to love swings at school this year after 2 years of trying to convince him swings were fun.  

He loves walking places instead of taking the car! He knows where things are and how to get there.  It's kind of odd I think, but he pays attention I guess.  

He shows some interest in the potty from time to time but still isn't all too keen on it.

Eating is still low on his priority list, but he's doing a little better with it I think.  He's still too small in the waist for 2Ts but has to have 3Ts for length.   His stats were 28.25 lbs (25th %) and 37" tall (50th%).  That's an improvement over his 2.5 year appt where he was barely above the 5th percentile for weight.  YAY!

He talks nonstop.  We sometimes wonder how we (not the chattiest of folks) gave birth to someone who never stops talking.  Ever.  Most of it's cute at least. 

I hope that three will bring more of those good things and fewer tantrums and meltdowns, but I guess only time will tell.   

Happy birthday to my sweet Jack - I  love you buddy!

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