Saturday, February 27, 2010


It's really here. Jack's really TWO!

There's been so much to love in the last year...and right now might really top it all.

I love hearing his words and how every time he says them they get a little clearer.

I love how he knows exactly what he wants now and most of the time, can even tell you all about it.

I love how he likes to snuggle while he brushes his teeth.

I love how he and Kenny do a little dance in the mornings when it's time to go to "school, school, school!"

I love how, in the past few weeks as I started to get emotional about him turning two, he started to let me rock him a little bit just before bedtime.

I love how no matter how frustrated he gets with a new puzzle, he doesn't want to stop playing with it until he figures it out.

I love how he squeals and runs to find his shoes and jacket if you mention going to see Grams and Gramps.

I love how he is always dying to go to the "barn" but is scared to death of the peacock when we get there.

I love how in the mornings he wants to sit on the couch with his blanket and lion and wake up a little bit before breakfast.

I love how excited he gets when he sees Grandma walking up the sidewalk.

I love watching him play for a few seconds when I get to school in the afternoon before he sees me.

I love listening to him sing in the car.

I love how he thinks all presents are books.

I love how of all the bath toys he has, he really only wants a couple of cups to play with.

I love how he puts his jacket and hat away each night after school.

I love how he loves to clean up - and not just his toys, he's into dusting and sweeping too!

I love how excited he gets to go for a walk in the neighborhood.

I loved hearing him squeal as he and his Daddy walked through the big aisles at Lowe's last weekend.

I love how excited he gets about knocking over a tower of blocks.

I love how he wants to jump in the mud puddles in the alley behind school every single day. And how some moms scoff at me for letting him do so.

I love how when he colors, he makes circles.

I love how sometimes, when he catches you smiling at him, he giggles and gets a little bashful, but is clearly eating it all up.

I love hearing him say the word ketchup.

I love being his mom and watching him grow and change and learn right before my eyes.

Happy birthday baby, happy birthday!

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