Jack knew exactly where "a pig" was supposed to be on the tree at all times. "A pig" was also the only ornament that was allowed to remove from the tree but it usually went right back on its low branch where Jack could keep an eye on him. One morning before school however, Jack came down the steps, went to check on "a pig" and he was missing. Jack starts frantically shouting "a pig a pig a pig a pig a pig a pig a pig a pig..." and I start searching the other branches for the little guy. I looked and looked and could not find him and then looked some more! I assumed Jack had taken him off the tree and failed to put him back so I thought Kenny might know where he was, but of course he was in the shower. Meanwhile, Jack is still shouting "a pig a pig a pig a pig...!" We went upstairs and find Kenny and asked if he knew where "a pig" might be. At this point I was a little (or maybe even a lot) worried that "a pig" was missing for good and Jack might not ever stop shouting "a pig a pig a pig a pig!" Kenny runs down the steps and finds "a pig" in just a few seconds and Jack is quiet again! Wonderful! I go on about the day and am telling someone the story later, assuming Kenny just spotted "a pig" sooner than I did but that Jack had actually moved "a pig" when Kenny confesses that HE moved "a pig" the night before! Needless to say, this is not the stage in Jack's life where change is taken lightly. At all. We moved "a pig" back to the right branch (interestingly, he was just 2 or 3 branches away) and all was right with the world again.
Some of our pre-Christmas plans, like visiting Santa, were foiled by the snow, but that's ok, we were sure Santa knew how good Jack had been this year and wouldn't forget about all of us stuck in the snow on the East Coast. So Christmas Eve we trotted on over to Uncle Harold & Judy's house for another fantastic Christmas Eve dinner.
Since there were a lot of people there, and many he has only met once, he spent the first part of the evening safely snuggled up to Gramps.
But he warmed up a bit as the night went on...
and shared some yummy treats with Uncle Aaron.
By the end of the night he was searching for Gramps' belly button as if there were no strangers in the room at all! We all had a great time there, as usual but had to get home and to bed before Santa arrived!
He didn't quite get the concept of Santa bringing him gifts before the big day though he loved to spot (and exclaim!) Santa Claus, but he did quickly grasp the concept of new toys on Christmas morning. Santa left a few things, including a new book under the tree and Jack went straight for the book and paid no attention to all the other toys until he'd looked through the whole book and spent all the time he wanted with it.
Then he moved on to a puzzle and played with that a while...
It was a lot of fun watching him actually enjoy each toy before looking to see what else was there. I'm sure that won't happen for too many more years. After spending some time with all of Santa's gifts, we went to Grams & Gramps' house to open more presents! Everything was SO exciting!
Uncle Aaron even got Jack some water in a bowl to try out his new bath toys! Uncle Aaron was a big hit...
Jack got so many great gifts!
Books were definitely the biggest hit, but just look at this little fly fishing vest Gramps got him. They will match out on the trout streams this Spring!
He also got a sleeping bag covered in monkeys that he fell instantly in love with. In fact, we had to put it in his crib to sleep on that night...he was NOT going to bed without the monkeys!
After all the excitement of opening presents, we went home for a nap and then came back for a wonderful dinner with everyone! Jack was clearly a big help in preparing the meal...
But look how great it turned out! Grams always has such a pretty table...
Tired yet? We were but Christmas wasn't over! The next morning we headed to Manassas to visit the some more of the Lion Family. Jack took a while to warm up again, but was soon enamored with Uncle Tom!
Then, of course, there were MORE presents! Grandpa got Jack a little lion cub that actually roared and purred and was kind of "alive!"
Jack wasn't quite sure what to make of it at first, but Uncle Alan helped ease him into it.
Uncle Alan also brought a remote control car that was lots of fun!
Jack was really interested in the sheep in the nativity scene next to the Christmas tree and spent a lot of time "baa-ing" at it!
He had a great time at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's, as usual, and we hope they did too!
Everyone gets to be a kid at Christmas...:)!
The snow foiled our plans to have Christmas with Grandma before she left for FL too so we got to extend Christmas even further and have Christmas with her when she got home.
By this point Jack thought all wrapped packages were books and was dying to tear into them!
I didn't get many pictures of that night - we were trying to assemble toys and cook dinner and open presents and I just didn't have enough hands but we had a great time with Grandma as usual!
And just when you thought we were surely done with Christmas, we got to spend some time with Dillyn and Andy at the Children's Museum! What fun that was! Jack LOVED it there. Last time we went, he was a little too young and not very interested. This time we carried him out kicking and screaming. They had a huge river to play in with fountains...
And stairs to climb with tunnels to explore and slides to slide down...
and fossils to unearth...
and caves to explore...
and COWS...
to milk! What fun! I know he can't wait to go back! I remember the excitement in Dillyn's eyes when she was that age and it's so much fun to watch her play with Jack now that he's at that age. Thanks for spending the day with us girls!
We also got to spend some time with the lovely Pratt ladies who were visiting from St. Louis. Margot is SO cute, and Brooke is too of course. We were so glad to get some time with them and are so glad they came! They brought Jack these great little cars and trucks and trains that he cannot get enough of.
Seriously, he plays with them all the time! Sometimes it is the simplest things that are the biggest hit. She says they are called counters and are designed to help with colors and sorting and math and such eventually. I think they are fantastic and the little bag she made to hold them couldn't be any cuter!
We were also lucky enough to catch Lyndsay while she was home!
She's so much fun and we all love her boyfriend Michael too! Jack especially - he has really taken to him each time he's seen him!
We had such a wonderful holiday and loved getting to spend time with so many friends and family! We can't wait for all that 2010 will hold! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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