Thursday, June 26, 2008


Since Jack was about 6 or 8 weeks old, he's gone to bed somewhere between 7:30 and 9 PM and slept until about 6AM getting up once, maybe on a rare night, twice to eat. I treasure our time together in the middle of the night when the world is dark and quiet and there's nothing to distract me from this amazing little guy in my arms.

But...this week everything seemed to change...and I can't figure out why!

He's been up 3-4 times a night every night this week. He's on 2 medications, either of which could be causing him to be uncomfortable I suppose. He also appears to be teething, which could certainly hurt. And, he's almost 4 months old and our neighbor's daughter did the same thing at about this age and they cured it by giving her cereal. Maybe he's just hungry? I'm not sure but it's really making for a sleepy bunch around here and we're hoping to get back to the old schedule sooner than later!

We haven't taken many pictures this week but here's a few cute ones from last week...Happy weekend to you all!

*Update (6/27/08): Of course, since I wrote that, he only got up twice last night!! I should have written it earlier in the week I guess!

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