Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School

It was off to 1st grade for Jack and Pre-K for Max yesterday.  Before school Jack was ready to go and Max was not so sure he wanted a new classroom.  After school I think they had changed roles, but I know that in a few days, once the routine isn't so new again, they will both be happy and excited about all that there is to learn.

First up was a fun breakfast of "1" and "Y" (for Yellow Birds, his new classroom) sprinkle pancakes to get things started off right!  For the record, they were much more excited about the sprinkles than the shape, so next year I hope I remember that and save myself some trouble! :)

Then it was time for a few pictures before heading off to school.

Kenny dropped Max off at school and he never looked back.  We walked Jack to school and got him settled in.

 He was all smiles until we started to leave and then there were a few, just a few tears.  :(  Heartbreaking.

At the end of the day, I think he enjoyed a fair bit of the day, but he wasn't too keen on having to go back.  He asked me if I thought we could try homeschooling and my heart broke into a few thousand pieces.  But he gets it honest.  I have such a hard time with goodbyes and transitions and until I know what's going to happen and when, I'm a nervous wreck inside.  This too shall pass and before we know it, he'll be loving school again.  Right? :)!

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