Max really started communicating - not always clearly but he started saying a lot of things that helped us know what he wanted...he can tell you he wants his paci or breakfast or juice or a snack. He can tell you he wants to watch George (Curious George) on tv. He can tell you he wants his shoes on so he can go outside. He will always tell you his diaper needs changing. He can tell you he wants to jump on Jack's bed. He can tell me the names of a lot of things in the books we read. He still isn't completely clear with his words, but they are coming along, for sure!
He started playing with the train set this month, and legos. And he'll play with the animals and dinos too. It's clear he's watched Jack and knows what to do with all of it. Jack didn't get trains until 2 and a half, so I guess we don't know what he would have done at this age with them, but it seems so grown up to me. I think just because I associate those things with an older Jack.
He had another ear infection this month - I think that's 3 in 2012. Hopefully that'll be the end of it, but if not, I think tubes were mentioned. If that'll help, show me where to sign up. He was old enough this time to tell us what hurt...:('s all happening too fast!
Max finally seemed to learn to appreciate snuggles this month! He's never been a huge fan. Jack has always LOVED snuggles. Part of me thinks Max decided to like them just because Jack was getting too many! :) But finally he'd come ask to sit in my lap, just to be held and finally he wanted to be snuggled and rocked at bedtime. In fact, a few nights, he'd call one of back to his room, point at the rocking chair and insist that we snuggle a few more minutes. I'll take all I can get...I know they won't be around long!
And speaking of snuggles...he carried this tiger around EVERYWHERE this month. He's really into tags and this one has 2. Grams and Gramps got Jack this big tiger at the circus and Max a smaller version of the exact same thing. He loved that one for a long time but kind of wore out the tags and then moved on to this huge one. He drug it everywhere by the tail. It got washed a lot, but it's still kind of gray...
Every afternoon when they come home from school I'm in the kitchen fixing dinner. Max opens the door, walks in there and says "BOO!" It's really cute...
I feel like I say it (or at least think it) every month, but he really came to life this month. I guess we just learn more and more about him and get to see more of who he is each and every day. He's super cute and for the most part, agreeable...though we've had a few glimpses of the terrible twos on the horizon for sure! Oh well, that's just part of it and as long as he stops throwing tantrums long enough to smile once in a while, we'll be ok! He'll be 22 months old in just 6 more days...I am so behind!! Maybe I should start right now on that post!
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