He did start the month off VERY fussy and we never could quite put our fingers on it but he seemed to work himself out of it after a week or two. It appeared to be a glimpse into the terrible twos and boy, let me tell you what, I am dreading that. He threw tantrums every time we wouldn't let him do what he wanted, complete with kicking and screaming. He was working on more teeth (we now have 9!), and we were trying to add in whole milk, and he was a bit off his sleeping schedule, and he had a runny nose. Maybe the combination was enough to put him over the edge. I'm just glad he got over it! After it passed, he went back to being our sweet little guy.
He chatters non-stop these days. Most of it doesn't make much sense but I love it! He did learn how to roar like a lion though and will do it in response to being asked "what does the lion say?" without us having to actually roar first most of the time.
Quite ferocious, isn't it? :)
And on our walks, or in the car, or on tv, or most anywhere, he will spot a dog or picture of a dog and "woof." Often, on first glance, I don't even see the dog he's "woofing" at right away and start to tell him he's wrong, when sure enough, there IS a dog! We went to the doctor one day this week (Kenny and I, not Jack) and Jack kept pointing at the doctor and "woofing." I was at first, a bit embarrassed and hoped she didn't understand what he was saying, after all explaining that he was looking at her and woofing might not be fun. But sure enough, just behind her was a calendar full of pictures of dogs that I would never have noticed!
He also often starts his own game of peekaboo with whatever he can find...a book, a towel, his shirt, or even the front doormat.
Jack and I take a little time most mornings to turn on some good singing songs and dance around a bit. He thinks it's the funniest thing ever and just laughs and laughs! We often sing the "itsy bitsy spider" (no dancing there) and he's started trying to do the hand movements that I do.
This month also brought the end of swimming lessons. We are so ready for pool season!! Swimming lessons started off pretty rocky. He screamed and held on to my bathing suit for dear life. He wouldn't let go of me for ANYTHING. Of course, he was pretty much the only kid in the class that acted this way and he wasn't the youngest. But, by the end of class, he was smiling and kicking and moving his arms and putting his face in the water. I complained about swimming lessons a fair bit - it was 10 weeks and took up our whole Saturday morning really - but I do think it was worth it and we'll be glad when summer arrives and he's not screaming in the pool! I forgot the camera on the last day but he did get a ribbon for finishing!
I can't wait to see what fun month 15 holds! I know it's going to be an exciting one...
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