Yesterday we did finally get to go to our 12 month doctor's appointment after their big pipe bursting disaster. They were still a bit disheveled from it but all went fine. Except that Jack has figured that place out. He usually is perfectly happy while we are there. It's a very bright, colorful place with lots of toys and smiling faces. But yesterday was different and according to the nurses, 1 year is about the time they all figure it out and it lasts until they are 3-4 they say. He clung to his Daddy so tight and had NO smiles for Dr. Schweiker, even though she can usually pull quite a few out of him! It also may have something to do with how we aren't going there every few weeks for visits without shots now that he's not in daycare. Who knows, but either way, he didn't enjoy the trip, or the 3 vaccinations.
The newest stats:
Weight: 20 lbs 12 ounces (25th percentile)
Height: 30" (50th percentile)
Head: 19.5" (off the charts)
He's thinning out a bit which she says is normal when they get moving. He walked for her holding my hands and she said he was ready to go in terms of the mechanics of it, he just needed the courage. She encouraged us not to turn his carseat around until he was walking well even though he's 1 year old and 20 lbs. She thinks the milk intolerance is dose related, so he tolerates a small amount, but not large volumes. Since the soy milk is going ok for now, I think we'll stick with it for a while longer but I was quite encouraged to hear her say he needs only 2-3 ounces at each meal, not the 16 ounces I had read elsewhere. He has given up the bottle on his own pretty much, swatting you away when it's presented, so we got to escape the "no more bottles" lecture. So, all in all, things are going great it seems!
In other news today is St. Patrick's Day! Not Jack's first, but I can't even remember it last year and feel certain we were still in the sleepless fog, so hopefully this year will be more fun for him. The O'Donnell clan sent him a St. Patty's Day duck!
Who knew such a thing existed, but there's no more perfect gift for him at the moment since he is hooked on ducks! Thanks guys! The doctor said he should know 1 word at 1 year and his is definitely "duck." He hasn't moved past "duck" and "uh-oh" but she said he probably wouldn't until 15 months when he'd pick up a handful of new words...and she warned us to start watching which words he hears! For those that haven't heard him say it yet, here's a little clip. We know it needs work and most people wouldn't know it's "duck," but he uses it appropriately and can spot ducks most anywhere!
But maybe he's going to speak in clicks instead of words's his newest trick...
Sure hope that the day is full of rainbows and pots of gold for everyone! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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