Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Art

This morning Jack asked me if I'd ever heard of someone named Kadinsky.  I replied no and asked who he was.  Jack told me he was an artist and that was about the end of the conversation.  Sometime later, Jack asked Kenny if he thought that sometimes art could be just scribble scrabble.  Kenny replied that it could and moved on.  Even later, Jack brought me this picture:
Interesting, I thought.  Modern art, certainly.  Out of character for Jack, yes, just a little, but how cool that he's learning new things.  Then I thought I should Google this Kadinsky guy.  And here's what I found...
I'm amazed that Jack has any artistic talent (have you met his parents?), and always have been.  But now he's seen a picture, presumably once, in art class, and is replicating it.  In kindergarten. His mind will never cease to amaze me.

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