Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's Day EVER!  I really did.  It started a little early.  When I got home from work on Thursday I pulled into my parking spot in front of the house just behind Kenny and the boys.  This was a bit out of the ordinary since I am usually home before they are and have time to get dinner ready before they arrive, but I'd stopped to get gas on my way home, so I thought nothing of it really.  However, when I went to Jack's side of the car to get him out, he had a new book and handed me a bag of Chipotle for dinner!  Then I noticed Kenny had on jeans and a t-shirt.  Something was DEFINITELY up.  He told me to go on in the house, so I did and there I found a beer on ice tied up with a bow and a note.  Seems he'd taken the day off, secretly, and cleaned the house, did all the laundry and ironing, planned the meals for the upcoming week, gone to the grocery store and gotten everything we needed, picked up the boys AND dinner!  I will admit I cried a little bit.   We had a very busy weekend coming up with a graduation party, birthday party, Granny in town and Mother's Day.  I had been a bit worried all week that we wouldn't have time to get our normal weekend chores done and get to all the fun and actually enjoy it, so he'd made sure that I could just do the fun stuff all weekend and not worry about the chores.  Really, is there any greater gift?  I was beside myself.  He's always a great husband and father, but this was really above and beyond!

As if all of that wasn't enough, it kept coming.  Friday afternoon Jack brought home a sweet card and "cake" he'd made at school for me.  It's not really a cake, but a sweet little handprint made from clay.  It's one of those things as a kid you wondered why in the world your mom would want it, and as a mom you absolutely treasure it.

Saturday morning I went for a run and he took the boys to the Farmer's market.  They came home with a beautiful bouquet of tulips AND peonies from the plantation where we were married!!  Amazing!  

We had a lovely graduation lunch in honor of Page and I got to spend the afternoon hanging out with Ansley and Jen and Sammy and Max.  It was wonderful!  I didn't even think once about all that had to be done at home, I just got to ENJOY it.  Saturday evening we gathered at Grams and Gramps' for a birthday dinner for Grams.  It too was lovely and we all had such a good time.  I guess not worrying about anything made me not worry about taking pictures too because it seems I didn't for most of the weekend. :(  Boo...but fun was had, trust me!  Jack had a lot of fun with the bag Grams' gift was in...

Sunday morning I really thought we were done and I was happy to just enjoy the boys for the morning before heading off to lunch and to see Picasso with my 3 mothers - Granny, Momma and Fay.  But no...Jack and Kenny went off to the basement and returned with a package wrapped in every different pattern of wrapping paper we own.  Seems Jack decided he would be the "cutter man" and helped Daddy wrap.  It was so cute!  

Inside were LOTS of boxes nestled within other boxes, but when I got to the final one, I found a new ipod!  We've always been a 1 ipod family and I just used ours when I went running or something and burned cd's for the car.  But ours is old and big and mine is now so tiny and much easier to wear when running.  And I now had access to any song Jack might request in the car!  It was perfect!  The rest of the day was wonderful too - all of the moms had a great lunch at Acacia and then got to see the Picasso exhibit at the VMFA before it left.  It was so nice to all be together!  That evening Gramps cooked up some tasty burgers on the grill and we got to relax a little more.

I'm pretty sure he'll never be able to top this year, but that's certainly ok.  Any one of those things would have been enough for me.  I just love being a mom so much and am so happy to have married someone who helps me to be the mom I want to be.  Thank you Kenny and thank you Jack and Max for making me a mom.  I love you boys more than I ever imagined was possible.  

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