Monday, February 7, 2011


Tonight Max had his first taste of cereal.  We had planned to wait until Max was 6 months old before starting any sort of solids, but he has had quite the appetite lately and we felt like he needed a little something that would stay in his tummy a little longer than breastmilk seems to.  He's been up every 3 hours at night to eat for the past few weeks and just this weekend, he grabbed my pancake from my hand and almost got it in his mouth!  

He seemed to know exactly what to do with the cereal...


Looking back at Jack's first taste of cereal (at 4 months), I think Max was a bit more receptive to it.  We can hope that bodes well for Max to be more interested in food than Jack is. It won't take much for that to be the case though...did you hear him begging to be let down from the table in the video? 

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