Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I know it was a long time ago, but I don't want to miss the chance to write about my most wonderful Mother's Day! Both my mother and my mother-in-law left town on Mother's Day weekend so we celebrated with them in the weeks that followed. But on Mother's Day morning I awoke to a sweet card that Jack and Kenny made and a really neat photograph of two baby lion cubs. Last year at Art in the Park, Kenny and I stumbled upon a great photograph of a Daddy lion with his cub that I just fell in love with. We had it framed and hung it above Jack's crib. This year, Kenny went back to the same photographer and happened to find one, fittingly, of two little lion cubs. I love it and now that Jack has the one of the Daddy and cub in his new room, the spot over the crib seemed the perfect spot for my new one of 2 baby cubs (This one isn't on his website yet)! It really meant a lot to me and kind of made the whole pregnancy seem more real. I AM about to have TWO little lion cubs! I am so lucky to have them and to have their Daddy - he is the very best!!

Then it was off to the Chesterfield Berry Farm to pick some strawberries! There's a LOT more to do there than just pick strawberries though. So many animals to see...bunnies and goats and cows and roosters! Jack loved the rooster...

Every time it cock-a-doodle-doo'ed he laughed hysterically. There's nothing more perfect for a mom on mother's day than the sound of her child's laughter filling the air!

They also had a huge pile of sand to dig in. Jack's dream come true!

Somehow that's all the pictures I seem to have gotten. :( We had a really good time though and it was the perfect way to spend our day together. Thanks guys!

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