Weight: 22 lbs (5th percentile)
Height: 32.25 inches (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 20 inches (still off the charts)
We got instructions to feed him more higher protein, higher fat food and try and get his weight up. We go back in 6 weeks for a weigh-in to see how things are going. He's been starting to tolerate more milk which should help the cause a lot. I think the fact that he never stops moving is probably the root of the problem but we'll see what we can do!
She thought his language and walking skills were great and loved how interested he was in books. He didn't stop reading the entire time we were there I don't think, except maybe to scream a little here and there.
I asked about potty training and she said "start at 2, train for a year, start at 3, train for a week." So I guess we'll be waiting. He also doesn't have to go to the dentist until he's 3!
He won't have to go back until he's 2 assuming all is ok at the big weigh-in in a few weeks. I'm sure he'll be excited about that!